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Coffee Industry News And Updates

Coffee Industry News and Updates

WEB Global Coffee Report: Industry Leaders and Market Analysis

The WEB Global Coffee Report provides profiles of international coffee industry leaders and in-depth coffee market analysis. This comprehensive resource keeps industry professionals informed of the latest trends and developments in the global coffee trade.

Coffee Market Outlook

The Coffee Report and Outlook CRO, published by the International Coffee Organization, offers an up-to-date snapshot of the 2022-23 coffee year. This bi-annual report provides valuable insights into production, consumption, and market trends.

The world coffee consumption outlook for coffee year 2023-24 anticipates continued global economic growth above 3%. This projection bodes well for the coffee industry, as increased consumer demand is expected to drive market growth.

For more detailed information, refer to the Monthly Coffee Market Report 2021-22, published on October 4, 2022, and the latest Monthly Coffee Market Report for September 2022. These reports provide extensive coverage of coffee market dynamics and trends.

The Coffee Report and Outlook, a new bi-annual report, offers a comprehensive analysis of the past and current coffee years, including production and consumption data. This report is an essential resource for anyone seeking an in-depth understanding of the global coffee industry.
